Create claimant

This endpoint is used to add a claimant to an incident.


Path parameters

Parameters marked are required.
Parameter Name Description Type Example Data
incidentId The incident id of the incident to which the claimant should be added. Integer 6597925

Request body parameters

Parameters marked are required.
Parameter Name Description Type Example Data
firstName The first name of the claimant. string John
lastName The last name of the claimant. string Smith
organisationName The organisation name where the claimant is not an individual. string
isOrganisation Flag specifying whether the claimant is an individual or an organisation. Boolean False
dateOfBirth The date of birth of the claimant. string ($date) 1967-07-12
gender The gender of the claimant. string Male
claimantType The type of claimant to add. string
contactPerson The name of the contact person for the claimant. string Mr. John Smith
contactAddress The contact address of the claimant. string 15 Knights Park Kingston Upon Thames Surrey
contactPostalCode The post code of the claimant. string KT1 2AA
contactTelephoneNumber The telephone number of the claimant. string 0208 541 1111
contactMobileNumber The mobile telephone number of the claimant string 07940012345
contactEmailAddress The email address of the claimant. string($email)
extendedFields An array containing any extended fields array See Extended Fields

When isOrganisation is false, the firstName and lastName fields are required. When isOrganisation is true then the organisationName field is required.

Example request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "isOrganisation": false,
  "dateOfBirth": "1976-07-10",
  "gender": "Male",
  "contactPerson": "Mr. John Smith",
  "contactAddress": "15 Knights Park\r\nKingston Upon Thames\r\nSurrey",
  "contactPostalCode": "KT1 2AA",
  "contactTelephoneNumber": "0208 541 1111",
  "contactMobileNumber": "07940012345",
  "contactEmailAddress": "",
  "extendedFields": [
      "identifier": "Global_Claimant_Form:Title",
      "value": "Mr"
      "identifier": "Global_Claimant_Form:Policy_Reference",
      "value": "POL1234567Z"
      "identifier": "Global_Claimant_Form:Policy_StartDate",
      "value": "2020-10-01"
      "identifier": "Global_Claimant_Form:Policy_EndDate",
      "value": "2021-09-30"

Response body parameters

Parameters marked are required.
Parameter Name Description Type Example Data
claimantId The claimant id of the newly created claimant. Integer 50000

Example response