New Event

This webhook will be triggered when any new event is added to the Event Log in Claims Manager

Data Fields

Name Description Type Example Data
eventType The tpye of event that was created. One of 'Event Log Entry', 'Correspondence Entry' or 'Reminder'. string Event Log Entry
category The category of the event. Only used for Event Log Entries. string Report: Preliminary
description The description of the correspondence. Only used for Correspondence Entries. string Post from Client: Insured Estimate
attachments Array containing any attachments linked to the event. array
attachmentId The unique identifier of the attachment. string($uuid) 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6
name The file name of the attachment. string ExampleFile.pdf
sizeBytes The file size in bytes. int 54363

To download any attachments you will need to combine the attachmentId with the incidentId in the following format to get the relevant path: {baseUrl}/incident/{incidentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}. For example, if the incidentId was 123456 and the attachmentId was 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6, in the test environment, we could download this file at You would need to authenticate as usual to access this url. See Download Attachment for further information.

Example Payload

      "eventType":"Event Log Entry",
      "category":"Report: Preliminary",
            "fileName":"Preliminary Report.pdf",