New Transaction

This webhook will be triggered when any new transaction is created in Claims Manager. This could be a reserve or recovery reserve movement, or a payment or recovery payment.

Data Fields

Name Description Type Example Data
transactionType The type of transaction. One of 'Reserve', 'Recovery Reserve', 'Payment' or 'Recovery'. string Reserve
policySection The policy section that the transaction was recorded under. string Property/Material Damage
codeHeading The cost heading that the transaction was recorded against. string INdemnity
currencyCode The policy currency code. All transactions are displayed in policy currency. string USD
amount The amount of the transaction. For payments and recoveries this will be the amount paid or recovered. For reserves, this will be the new reserve amount. numeric 500.0000
movement Only applicable to Reserves or Recovery Reserves. Shows the difference between the previous amount and the new amount. numeric -250.0000

Example Payload

      "policySection":"Property/Material Damage",