List Webhooks

This endpoint is used to return all webhooks that you have previously created.


Example request

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access token}'

Response body parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Example Data
webhookId The unique id of the webhook. numeric 1
url The url that the webhook payload should be sent to. string($url)
headerName The name of any additional http header added to the http request. string X-API-Key
headerValue The value of any additional http header added to the http request. string abcdef12345
isActive When set to false, all subscriptions under this webhook are disabled. boolean true

Example response

        "webhookId": 1,
        "url": "",
        "headerName": "X-API-Key",
        "headerValue": "abcdef12345",
        "isActive": true