Create event

This endpoint is used to add an event to an incident. There are 3 different types of events that can be added: Correspondence Entries, Event Log Entries and Reminders.


Path parameters

Parameters marked are required.
Parameter Name Description Type Example Data
incidentId The incident id of the incident to which the claimant should be added. Integer 6597925

Request body parameters

Parameters marked are required.
Parameter Name Description Event Type Data Type Example Data
eventType Type of event to add. All string Reminder
taskAssignee Where present will add a Task for the given user. Reminder, Correspondence Entry string Illery Bast
description Description of correspondence Correspondence Entry string Post from Client: Complaint
category The event log entry category Event Log Entry string Other
detail Free text detail of the event Reminder, Event Log Entry string Test Event
receivedDateTime The date and time when the correspondence was received Correspondence Entry string ($date-time) 2021-09-20T13:45:00Z
serviceLevel How quickly the correspondence should be responded to. Correspondence Entry string Cat. A: 24 hrs
actionRequiredDateTime When the reminder should be actioned. Reminder string ($date-time) 2021-09-21T13:45:00Z
isKeyEvent Flag denoting that record is a key event Correspondence Entry, Reminder boolean False
isUrgent Flag denoting that reminder is urgent Reminder boolean False
extendedFields An array containing any extended fields array See Extended Fields
attachments An array containing any attachments to add to the incident. Event Log Entry, Correspondence Entry array See Attachments

The eventType field will determine which type of event you are creating (Event Log Entry, Correspondence Entry or Reminder). The Event Type column in the table above shows which fields are relevant for the different types. See the examples below for further clarification.

Event log entry example request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "eventType": "Event Log Entry",
  "category": "Other",
  "detail": "Test Event Log Entry"

Correspondence entry example request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "eventType": "Correspondence Entry",
  "taskAssignee": "Me",
  "description": "Post from Client: Policy Schedule",
  "receivedDateTime": "2022-05-01T11:14:27.276Z",
  "serviceLevel": "Cat. A: 24 hrs",
  "isKeyEvent": true

Reminder example request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "eventType": "Reminder",
  "taskAssignee": "Me",
  "detail": "This is a test Reminder",
  "actionRequiredDateTime": "2022-05-01T10:37:11.209Z",
  "isKeyEvent": false,
  "isUrgent": true

Response body parameters

Parameters marked are required.
Parameter Name Description Type Example Data
eventId The event id of the newly created event. Integer 50000

Example response