Create Incident

The following endpoint is used to create a new incident in Claims Manager. It provides functionality to add nested claimants and parties if required and the ability to add attachments to the created incident.


Request body parameters

Parameters marked are required.
Parameter Name Description Type Example Data
programmeCode Unique identifier for the programme string 8ffd4f55
policyCountry The ISO 2-character country code for the policy country string GB
policyTypeCode Unique identifier for the policy type string a4aee5d3
fnolReference Your unique reference number that uniquely identifies this incident string ABC123
incidentDate The date on which the incident occurred string ($date) 2021-09-20
description A description of the circumstances of the incident string (maxLength: 500) PH hit oncoming vehicle
extendedFields An array containing any extended fields array See Extended Fields
claimants An array containing any claimants array See Claimants
parties An array containing any parties array See Parties
attachments An array containing any attachments to add to the incident array See Attachments

Example request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "programmeCode": "8ffd4f55",
  "policyCountry": "GB",
  "policyTypeCode": "17ed9895",
  "fnolReference": "Test123",
  "incidentDate": "2022-03-30",
  "description": "Test Incident",
  "extendedFields": [
          "identifier": "Global_Incident_Form:Incident_Location",
          "value": "London"
          "identifier": "Global_Incident_Form:Incident_Country",
          "value": "United Kingdom"
          "identifier": "Global_Incident_Form:Cause_Code1",
          "value": "Collision or Impact"
          "identifier": "Global_Incident_Form:Cause_Code2",
          "value": "Loss of control"

Response body parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Example Data
incidentId The incident id of the newly created incident integer 6957925
claimants Array containing the newly created claimant ids for any claimants added array (integer) [2345123, 2345124]
parties Array containing the newly created party ids for any parties added array (integer) [145642, 145643]
errors Array containing any errors encountered when adding nested claimants or parties. array (string) ["Unable to add claimant 1"]

Example response

    "incidentId": 6597925,
    "claimants": null,
    "parties": null,
    "errors": null